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Capitole Energie in the Top 10 of FT 1000 Europe’s fastest growing companies


For the seventh year, Financial Times and Statista have partnered to release a ranking of European companies that showcase the fastest growth.

FT 1000 : Europe’s fastest growing company

The ranking lists European companies that achieved the highest annual growth rate in revenue between 2018 and 2021.

A first appearance in the ranking for Capitole Energie

For the first time, the Toulouse based company appears in the ranking. Capitole Energie storms in the ranking at the 16Oth place out of 1000th companies. With a 920.2% growth between 2018 and 2021, Capitole Energie is also the 9th company in the “Energy & Utilities” sector.

“We are very proud to be a part of the 10 fastest European companies of the Energy sector. Capitole Energie’s first goal has always been to put its expertise in the service of other companies. While we are thrilled about this ranking, our satisfaction comes from our client’s feedbacks. We will keep engaging in our growth so that we can always offer them the best solutions to help them with their energetic strategy.”

Benoit Vilcot, Managing Director and co-founder of Capitole Energie

Capitole Energie was already on the podium of France’s fastest growing companies

This Top 10 on the European scale appears after the company made its first podium on France’s ranking of fastest growing companies, being second regarding the “Energy” sector.

A year of growth in every way

For Capitole Energie, such growth was made possible by building a complete solution regarding business’s energetic strategy. Its expertise is now available through several services : energy brokerage, tax and power optimization, green energy, guaranties of origin, PPA’s, energy management etc.

To manage all these services, the company has launched a new recruiting campaign in early 2023. These new experts will help create entirely new departments and grow existing ones.

Le blog Capitole Énergie

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